Here are some stellar remixes for your listening pleasure:
The first one is a take on VC favorites Tesla Boy. Epic chords and ample sample chopping.
Tesla Boy - Runaway Man (Vanguard Remix)
The next one is a newer mix that I've been trying to find since hearing it in Vanguards BBC Introducing set on Youtube (find it below), a remix of Pony Pony Run Run's "Hey You." This is my favorite VG remix to date.
Pony Pony Run Run - Hey You (Vanguard Remix)
Finally some originals!
A happy end of summer kind of jam, perfect for lifting spirits during this hellish Pacific NW fall weather:
Vanguard - So Much
And some fly ass disco flute choppin':
Vanguard - Mount Helicon
Go listen to more tunes and AWESOME mixes on their Myspace. Here is a video of their BBC Introducing set featuring the first two remixes in this post:
And here is a music video for yet another one of VG's addictive little tunes, "Loving Someone Else."Thrashing a Ferrari? Closing down streets to crash police cars? This is an expensive video!
I cannot believe these kids are so talented before age 20. So much potential here, I have a feeling they are going to blow up quick. Vanguard, please come to Oregon!
so pleasing to my ears. gracias seƱor.